The nearer your destination you are

Fabric from the collection "etoffe imprevue"

slip sliding away.  Just about the time I get my back up and can stay out of a few fabric shops, I find another way to purchase those coveted fabrics.  I've just received my first shipment from Massdrop.

Drolling over collection"etoffe imprevue"   

Fabric from the collection "etoffe imprevue"

Fabric from the collection "etoffe imprevue", that's a good thing ~



  1. I have the same problem with yarn. The "I'm not going to buy any more yarn until I use what I have," statement is just a fantasy.

  2. I'm trying to used some fabrics I've had for a very, very long time. It's saving me money, but making me old--looks like something my grandmother would have ogled. What was I thinking?


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