Images Printed on Fabric Sheets

I'm still making sales from the quilt show this weekend. A wonderful lady called yesterday wanting all my "Pretty Ladies in Smart Hats" printed on fabric sheets. Actually she wanted two sets - that's 30 prints. I love that she has a vision of putting them into a quilt. Imagine a collage of all these pretty ladies. Was I ever EXCITED. Gotta get busy.

I'll start with Peaches

Then move on to Olivia

and then Mary Linda

Can't forget Eunice Patricia

I've also thread painted some new ones and will get them aired in another blog....I have named them - Sachie Claudine, Callie and Glyn Ruby - just haven't taken the pictures yet.

Hugs 'til later.


  1. Wow! Marty you amaze me completely with your art & style & creations ...
    these are really neat!

    Happy autumn. Have a beautiful week. TTFN ~Marydon

  2. Hope all things are going well for you also. Thanks for stopping by.
    And a big TTFN back to you Marydon.


  3. I've been thinking about this since I saw it yesterday. My first thought was what a cool quilt it would make, and second, if those were my designs, I would not let anyone use them. However, after thinking about it, I realized that this makes you a designer of a kit, right? How bad is that?

  4. Hey, Chris, had not thought about it that way!! A designer --- hmmmmmmm. Reckon I can up my prices?

  5. I love these. How great that you keep on sellin'


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