Quilt Shows

Quilt Shows - I learned - Vendors - spend lots of time making items to vend - lots of time setting up their space - two days on their feet smiling and talking and selling and selling - and then breaking down the vending space - packing up and hauling it home. That's as far as I've gotten.

Unsold items are still in storage boxes. Perhaps I'll unpack someday.

I said goodbye to a good friend - Olivia. A sweet lady shared that her granddaughter's name is Olivia so this "Pretty Lady in a Smart Hat" was a must-have for her.

I also said goodbye to some of my art quilts like this one

And this one

I also sold lots of pins

And note cards

And journal covers

Okay, you get the picture. I handed out a bunch of business cards. Exposure...that's the key. Hard work followed by SUCCESS...I slept in this morning!!


  1. Way to go, Marty! Sounds like you had a lot of sales for your effort... That always makes it nice, to feel like it was worth your time.


  2. So glad it is over. Sunday was nice.


Thanks for stopping by...