Handmade Wool Purses and Dupioni Silk Pins

Hmmmm......what have I been doing?

Just making purses and pins, that's all.

Here's my recycled wool tweed. And a charcoal gray wool with burnt orange velvet. I'm auditioning the chartreuse Dupioni silk pin on this one.

Here's a photo transfer of "Mary Linda" whimsically stitched on the front of this purse. The song sheet, oh it's "Don't Go Breaking My Heart."

A gold wired taffeta ribbon pin. Love the size of this one.
Just for grins, I decided to make a red Dupioni silk pin. Okay....now, I must make another purse to pin onto. I can do that.....

All the shopping is done and the gifts are wrapped. Plenty of time to play!!


  1. My gosh! They are EXQUISITE creations, Marty. You create the most beautiful items ... love them!

    Merry Christmas ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. Thanks, Marydon, for stopping by with such a nice compliment. You are the greatest!

  3. Lovely creations, Marty! My shopping is done, but not a SINGLE THING is wrapped... must finish customer quilts first.


  4. those purses are so much fun. Makes me want to head up to the sewing machine.


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