Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

Here are my interpretations of this week's scavenger hunt items:

1. Pink - I made this little ceramic bookend for my grandmother when I was very young. Yes, I also made the Rag Andy too and still cherish the pair as they were returned to me on her death. I took the liberty of duplicating her in this picture to enforce the pink theme.

2. Books - From my bookshelf. Don't take this as an endorsement of the quality of her writing! She is a native Louisianian (and I do like to support the locals).

3. Fall Colors - Even thread comes in all the fall colors.

4. Leaf - Variegated of my favorite little grasses to pot up. It adds a spot of cheer on a garden table regardless of the season.

5. Orange - Why do I like Fiskars? Because they are orange!

Check out more scavenger hunters and their finds here. This was my first week to join the hunt and it was quite a lark!

The items for next week are - (1) side lighting (2) Jack O'Lantern (3) faces formed in nature (4) sunset (5) warm. My work is cut out for me!


  1. Very crafty shots, beautiful colors captured! The scissors are classic :)

  2. How fun! I especially liked that first image. How sweet to still have the bookend that you made for your grandmother.

  3. I'm so glad you joined us this week - your shots were quite fun...I've read some of Anne Rice's work - some of it is a little on the erotic side, which I guess isn't too far a stretch from her vampire reads. Amazing how quickly vampire fiction came back alive. Have a great week and I hope you'll join again next week!

  4. Hi Marty, love your interpretations for the scavenger hunt! I didn't get to play this weekend or look at that many entries for that matter. I really like your orange...I have lots of those, but don't think I would have thought of that! Hope you had a nice weekend!


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