On The Cheap ~

A fabric panel I picked up at the quilt show....on the cheep.....!  Here it is all quilted up, washed and ready to donate.  It had some stains which came out beautifully.  Oh, and I found the back for this quilt on the cheep also.  Thanks a bunch to whoever donated this panel and backing fabric to Cotton Corner 2012....you served your guild well by donating. 

And more.....

About 20 pieces of homespun, shot cloth....and otherwise useful fabric for me to work on for an upcoming demo.   Yards and more yards I found for $10 at Cotton Corner 2012...washed and ready to cut! 

Perhaps my head isn't on straight, but I told someone last week.....on the subject of volunteering.....that when I'm asked to do a demonstration, I usually say yes!  then figure out what to demo!   (If behoove is still a word)  I think it behooves every one of us to search for ways to inspire others.   Yes, it takes a lot of preparation.  Yes, I have my doubts. Yes, I kick myself.  Yes, I get nervous.   But after all is said and done, I enjoy what I'm doing and hope others enjoy and benefit. 

and here's a thank you note.....

Thank you so much for giving the demonstration on Half-Square Triangles.  It was so interesting, and I am anxious to try them.  Your work is just beautiful.  I am learning so much from all of you talented ladies, and you are one of the best!
I appreciate your time and sharing your knowledge to help us become better quilters.



  1. I appreciate others who plan and take the time to share tips and tricks during demos/tutorials.

  2. Thank you Nancy...I would appreciate that you are in the audience!


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