
The past couple of days were a blur.....the 2012 Cotton Corner Quilt Show filled with quilts and visitors, buyers and sellers....what a success it was!


my handmade that didn't sell....only because the right person didn't see it! 

And a couple of quotes I found fitting.....

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

"Keep your dreams alive.  Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination and dedication.  Remember all things are possible for those who believe" - Gail Devers


  1. I love the other zipper pouches you made in the yellow fabric. That would have gone home with me if I had been able to attend the show! Glad the show was such a success! - Tanya

  2. Hi Tanya....I gave them as door prizes at our meeting Thursday. Hope whoever got them enjoys. I'll make one for you...not sure what fabric I have, but it will be bright!


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