Review: I continue to enjoy the vacation just past!

Hopped a train from Milan to Padua.... Podava to Italians
Faux modern and fantastic dining at Hotel Al Fagiano.  It felt like an art gallery with crazy, sexy modern art everywhere. 

Spires of Basilica of St. Anthony....where the bells tolled on the quarter hour 24 hours a day! 

Near the Basilica is the Orto Botanico Botanical Garden. This nearly five-acre botanical garden was founded in 1545 to cultivate medicinal plants. It is the world's oldest botanical garden still in its original location.

Gingo Biloba circa 1750

Secret Garden Path

Just one view of the bounty within this garden

Padua inviting

A town of narrow streets and covered walkways

and a store front window filled with fabric for shirts -  tailor made and expensive.....

We spent three nights in Padua but I needed much longer to ingest the beauty of the town's university, museums, churches, tombs and palazzos. 


  1. How exciting to skip around the world with you! Thanks for these beautiful photos!

  2. Welcome home. Love all the pictures.


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