That's just exactly what the twenty of us did......embraced the pleasure we had in a Summer Solstice workshop taught by
Jan Mathews. Jan is a Judy Niemeyer certified teacher coming out of Texas, and how perfect was she for our group. The room was hot but Jan stayed cool. Amid all the mumbling and second guessing and ripping, then silence and sewing, mumbling and ripping, Jan got us through every step of how to construct the Summer Solstice design.
My construction was not without an OOPS or two! I knew the minute Susan walked away from my lonestar with a giggle in her throat, that she had spotted an oops, but since it was late afternoon on the second day and we had to shut it down, I didn't have time to find the error of my ways.
First thing this morning I spread my star out and there it was - my purple circle around the star didn't align with the other purples, nor did the peachy circle feel right. Oh, gees, I had reversed the two.
Now it's ripped and re-sewn and looking much better.
What isn't looking better is one of the border options I had chosen before the workshop. Thankfully I didn't make a final border decision so no fabric has been cut. I've been knee-deep in fabric this morning looking for just the right border choices. Not satisfied yet, but I'll get there.
What seems to be complicating things is that I switched the layout so the dark fabrics make the inner star and that puts the green and blue alternating on the outer star points. I'm thinking I may have to do more ripping to replace the four green tips with the blue. We'll see. I really wanted to use a print fabric on the outer borders rather than a solid, just to jazz it up a bit, but I'm not finding just the right print in my fabric stash. Now, what's a quilter to do?
In the meantime, I have six more New York beauty blocks to finish and that's going to take a while.
There will be more Summer Solstice news and views as I progress.