Welcome aboard, Beth, I hope you enjoy the journey.
Friends, They Are The Best!
Welcome aboard, Beth, I hope you enjoy the journey.
Purses and Paisley
Ruby Suzanne
Ruby Suzanne, along with her other thread painted friends, are available for sale here.
Raw Edge Applique Art Quilt
Hot Off The Press
News Alert - Hot off the press. It's too hot to be outside this afternoon....dearest skipped the country, so I've been webbing.
I didn't know this....but NOW we do....RIT DYE has a custom color page. How thoughtful of them.
I printed the chart and can't wait to do some experimenting. And, how handy that I can mix the powders and keep ready for use. I made a big RIT purchase several weeks ago and didn't know where to start. Well, now I do.

I think I'll start by dying some scraps of cotton batting left over from quilting projects. Several months ago I found a tutorial from Painted Thread's Projects on how to use dyed cotton batting to make little pillows. Thank goodness I printed a copy 'cause it was gone today when I went to look on the web page. But go look anyway...Judy is one talented lady. She always has a project on the table!
I didn't know this....but NOW we do....RIT DYE has a custom color page. How thoughtful of them.
I printed the chart and can't wait to do some experimenting. And, how handy that I can mix the powders and keep ready for use. I made a big RIT purchase several weeks ago and didn't know where to start. Well, now I do.

I think I'll start by dying some scraps of cotton batting left over from quilting projects. Several months ago I found a tutorial from Painted Thread's Projects on how to use dyed cotton batting to make little pillows. Thank goodness I printed a copy 'cause it was gone today when I went to look on the web page. But go look anyway...Judy is one talented lady. She always has a project on the table!
A few more sun AND shade lovers!

This giant white Agapanthus gives the bunny rabbit just enough shade so he won't have to run for sunscreen!
Physical and Mental Maturity - A Good Thing
I found a new web page. A little bit of this and a little bit of that for the more mature folks (that would be me)...age wise anyway! Mental maturity, perhaps not yet. Click here.
A couple of days ago there was an article in the local newspaper's "health and fitness" section. More often than not, the articles slant toward attracting the young reader. But on this particular day, it was meant for me to read!! If I want to look my best in MY bikini, I should eat more fruit and vegetables each day. OK, I love both, so I can do this. Had a peach for breakfast the next morning, steamed cabbage for lunch and a grilled kabob....shrimp, bell peppers, onion and mushroom. I gave dearest the shrimp...I had the veggies. I was starving by this time. My portion was very, very good. I'm still not looking like I should go purchase a bikini!
Tried again the next day. Still not looking like that little skinny thing pictured in Monday's paper.
Was feeling pretty weak yesterday morning but continued in my pursuit of skinny. Oh yes, I still had my veggies last night....but the lettuce and tomato were atop a huge hamburger patty with mounds of mayo and mustard slathered on both sides of big buns. Oh, yes, I forgot to mention the onion.....served up with catchup....home fried up in a big black cast iron skillet....ONION RINGS.
Motto...you don't have to join them to beat them. Be sure to eat your fruit and vegetables today!!
x's and o's
Rooster Sketches and Journals
And here are some things to be finished. I finally got around to making these pot holders. But I want to add grommets. The grommets are in the house....but not yet on the potholders.
blank space (where photo should be posted)
You don't see a picture of a potholder??? I don't either - HECTIC - apparently prevented me from including them in my photo taking session yesterday. Must now get grommets installed and pictures taken of completed pot holders.
I taught myself to make a journal cover Sunday.

I first painted some cotton duck fabric. After it dried, I cut to size and ironed on freezer paper to run through my printer. Printed out this precious picture of my great niece, Maysen-Grace, on the painted fabric, then surrounded it with black linen to make the fabric piece large enough to cover the journal. I will be going to visit them next weekend and plan to take this as a gift to my sister. (Please, if you see her, don't spill the beans.)
I continue....I wanted to make another journal cover, but by Monday morning, could not remember how I made the one Sunday. Within 24 hours I had allowed HECTIC to empty me. Had to teach myself all over again. I did write the steps down this time. What a novel idea!! Here's my second journal cover.

And on the remaining length of the painted cotton duck, I printed out my little rooster sketches. I think these will be neat put into a purse or journal cover or even framed. They are all for sale at $10 each. Email martymason@bellsouth.net for payment and shipping information.

Have a peace filled day.
Freebies For Crafters
Blue Monday
The frugal me wins out....sometimes....I can't always find (even at the expensive rubber stamp counter) rubber stamps with the images that are in my head. So, to solve my problem, I started making my own. Just take a piece of lumber, a little bit of sticky back foam and voila, you're in business. Here's my little whale stamp. Yes, he's blue (now). He started out albino, but I quickly found the blue paint and stamped away on a fabric scrap to make sure he could swim!

I think this stamp will work just fine!!

Stop sometime today to smell the flowers..
And jump on over to say hello to Smiling Sally and see more Blue Monday thoughts, facts and fancys.
Photos In My Camera
I have a chin hair that I must constantly pluck!!
More often than not, I have dirt under my fingernails AND
I have photos taken all week long that are STILL waiting to be uploaded HERE.
On a lighter note (no pun intended), I am back on my regular exercise program. It's been a struggle, but have worked back up to four cardio mornings a week. I'll get back to yoga soon! After five months of nada, I have lost all my muscle tone and strength. Yoga is a really non-boring way to build back up. Anyway...
Happy Father's Day. I think dearest and I will buck the heat and humidity and take a bike ride this afternoon. Perhaps I can get more photos and make the decision to do something WITH THEM.
Blues...Around the House
Blue Monday.......I have this to say about that
One of my favorite things to do on a Blue Monday...or any other day of the week...is to make original watercolor note cards.

And scan pictures of my Calendar Sue quilt and put into note cards. Here is Sue dressed in the April showers attire.

And here is my "Slow Moving Jones" backyard turtle...Even broken blues are beautiful when recycled.

And one of my favorite bookends...Raggedy Andy. Grandmothers are the most wonderful people to have in the family. I painted Ann and Andy many, many years ago and my Grandma thought they were the perfect asset to her book shelf. Now they adorn mine. I'm still looking for a slot on "America's Got Talent."

Happy Blue Monday. Thanks, Smiling Sally, for hosting this fun event. Take a look and continue to enjoy other Blue Monday friends.
Wristlet Purses
Just two more purses. Love these wristlets. But don't let the title fool you. They actually are larger than the name "wristlet" makes them sound. Mine measure 9" x 12".

Thanks, Pat, for sharing this pattern web page with me. It's here at All People Quilt. Look under Project: Grab Bags.
Neuter or Spay Your Animals

Baby kittens...seven in all...I think. Both mom and pop cats have not been fixed, but then nothing seems to be broken. I spoke with kitty's owner about this and her comment was that every time she spends money on an animal it winds up dead or disappears. Reason enough not to fix what is not yet broken. That's her story and she says she sticking to it!! I dearly love my dear niece, but certainly hope the rest of the world doesn't share her sentiment. As we were leaving, she asked if we wanted a kitten...they were FREE for the taking. Like I say, I love her in spite of herself!
Technique: Seasoning Cast Iron
1. Pre-heat oven to 325�
2. Wash skillet with warm, soapy water and dry thoroughly.
3. Apply a thin coat of vegetable oil, or vegetable shortening with a paper towel on all surfaces, inside and out.
4. Place in oven on center rack, upside down. Place a baking sheet or a sheet of foil on the rack beneath to catch drippings.
5. Bake for a minimum 1 hour (at least 2 is better)then turn off heat and allow to cool inside oven before removing.
6. Skillet is now ready to use.
It will take continuous use to get to that rich black utterly seasoned hue. But don't fret, it will get there.
To wash, scrub with hot water and a brush without detergent. Never use sharp or metal utensils on it while cooking and never place in the dishwasher. If it finds its way into the dishwasher, just repeat seasoning process.
2. Wash skillet with warm, soapy water and dry thoroughly.
3. Apply a thin coat of vegetable oil, or vegetable shortening with a paper towel on all surfaces, inside and out.
4. Place in oven on center rack, upside down. Place a baking sheet or a sheet of foil on the rack beneath to catch drippings.
5. Bake for a minimum 1 hour (at least 2 is better)then turn off heat and allow to cool inside oven before removing.
6. Skillet is now ready to use.
It will take continuous use to get to that rich black utterly seasoned hue. But don't fret, it will get there.
To wash, scrub with hot water and a brush without detergent. Never use sharp or metal utensils on it while cooking and never place in the dishwasher. If it finds its way into the dishwasher, just repeat seasoning process.
Fried Green Tomatoes
Oh, the joy of fresh veggies. And my favorite FRIED GREEN TOMATOES. One of my all-time favorite movies. Many leave-me-alone messages for women in abusive relationships...whether they know they are abusive or not! Often times we are so snuffed down verbally by a dominator (ie...one who abuses) that through the years we forget to call it what it is...ABUSE.
While this is a very important subject, it's not my subject today. Back to fried green tomatoes. They are very much in season right now in the deep south. Get 'em while you can!
Here's all you need....

Yep...that's all you need green tomatoes and a cast iron skillet...that's been seasoned of course!
And, here's the deep south traditional recipe
Green tomatoes
Corn meal
Slice 1/4" to 1/2" thick - salt and pepper to taste - dip in corn meal - fry about 3 minutes or until golden, flip and fry other side. Delicious - even for breakfast with bacon and eggs......yummmmm. SERVE NOW!!!
While this is a very important subject, it's not my subject today. Back to fried green tomatoes. They are very much in season right now in the deep south. Get 'em while you can!
Here's all you need....

Yep...that's all you need green tomatoes and a cast iron skillet...that's been seasoned of course!
And, here's the deep south traditional recipe
Green tomatoes
Corn meal
Slice 1/4" to 1/2" thick - salt and pepper to taste - dip in corn meal - fry about 3 minutes or until golden, flip and fry other side. Delicious - even for breakfast with bacon and eggs......yummmmm. SERVE NOW!!!
The Blue Dog - Blue Monday
Happy day and Blue Monday to you. Smiling Sally happily hosts Blue Monday and I love participating. Today I share my trio of New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival posters by Louisiana artist George Rodrique that feature his "Blue Dog".
First is Mr. Blue Dog introducing Al Hirt...

And here he is patiently waiting for Louie Armstrong and Pete Fountain to stop posing and start tooting their horns!

To read more of Rodrique's journey, view The Art of George Rodrique.
Happy day....Marty
Stamps, Flower Sketches, Watercolor
1. coffee
2. breakfast
3. exercise
4. lunch
5. makin' stamps and a stampin' em
Here's the stamp...

and here's the front of the note card I made with it...

and here's the back of said note card...

No need to picture the inside...it's blank!
And here's another stamp...It's hard to tell, but it's a flower cut out of an eraser.

And here is a piece of muslin I stamped. A real flower garden!!

And another stamp...oh, drat, I didn't get a picture of it. Oh well, here's muslin flower garden using this stamp and the eraser flower stamp.

And another one

just swimming along with friends....

And last one...stamp is made, but the stampin' is a work in progress...

I've clearly had too much fun. So, now I'm off to dinner. We're having a "shrimp delight" salad. Shredded lettuce, a quartered boiled egg with lots of boiled shrimp piled on top. A local restaurant makes the most "delightful" sauce. So dearest stopped by today for a pint. Dollop the "delight" on top and there you have it. Dinner is served!!
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