Good Morning Sunshine!

In the beginning, I saw the early morning sunshine bouncing off the lattice and post....the one that keeps the garbage can from ruining our view!

 then I narrowed my scope to eliminate some of the stuff.....

added even more textures and filters ~

Good morning sunshine...your early morning glow lifted my spirit. 


  1. Very nice. The images just got better and better as you worked on them.

  2. Oh my Marty, that is awesome. Your work lifts my spirits everytime I see something you have done.

  3. That should read spirit.

  4. Thanks Lois...this view made me happy this morning....and Ethel, you are right....I guess we only have one spirit! I edited my post to take away all but one of my spirits!

  5. What a great look at eliminating distractions. Wonderful final picture.


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