All in a days work:

I've been lethargic about blogging....sorry!

I've been busy.  I just need to remember to keep my mouth shut at times.  You see, I love to make quilts and don't always have the funds for community service, sooooooo I've told my quilting friends that if they will donate their excess fabric, I'll  make quilts to donate.  And they took me at my word. 

Here are some six inch squares that were donated:

I thought the yellow, blue and green had a nice feel when laid out, so I put them together for a 32" x 38" quilt top.  Now, if I could get my hands on some fabric for the back of this toddler size quilt! 

 and this one just came off the sewing table....all quilted, ready for binding.  

 Made from 2 1/2" strips of various lengths....a variation from the Moda 1600 jelly roll quilt pattern.
I just sewed all those donated strips together and voila....a quilt to give warmth to someone in need.

Same thing color palette (so not me) with all the blues and touches of white, it turned out quite nicely.  Get a peak at that backing fabric....and someone gave it away! 

Here they are:  it didn't rain today so I got  all eight completed quilts washed, dried, folded, stacked, stored in clean, safe place,  ready to be donated.   

No, there is no way I could do this alone.  I am only one....and this is just a few that will come together for the needy.   I am so blessed to belong to a great group of caring folks who contribute and give back so much to our community.    Together, we take all that donated fabric and make it count.  


  1. You made it count big time Marty and in a beautiful way. Those quilts will be loved and cherished.
    xo Cathy

  2. Your pile of quilts attests to my mother's adage: "many hands make light work." Nice job!


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