Here's Looking at

the last days of warm weather.  Reminds me of the song we sang when I was five.....goodbye ole paint!  Oh, of course, that was about a has been so cool, I'll be saying goodbye to the flower garden. anybody out there?


It was a very good year

I'll be here 'til first frost

One last sip ~

Where's everybody going  in such a hurry?

Sunlit Hosta ready to go dormant.....but will be back bigger and better next spring

Bring it on.....

Sedum enjoying a cool breath of fall....some things just never complain

Do I have to say goodbye?

It was a happy summer

The bird bath is empty

Summer just passed me by!

My head is hanging in sadness

Do I have to watch as summer disappears?

Until We Meet Again



  1. Very sweet post to say goodbye to Summer. Love all your kitties. :)

    1. It's always bitter sweet to let summer go. So much to enjoy about the summer months, but the heat...oh, my!

  2. Your garden looks really nice. A cat or two or three is a nice touch. I love the tail on the white and ginger one in your first photo. We are thrilled to be getting some warmer weather of late.

  3. Marty,
    Love the first and last photos ... looks like my crocs in the last one, now I remember where I put them!
    Judy B


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