Yes, it was a placemat. Yes, the kind you find on sale that perhaps doesn't have the look of a traditional table placemat. It was on sale for only $2.95 so I thought "What the heck"....looks like a purse to me! What I wasn't thinking about was where I was going to find a pink or orange purse strap. Hobby Lobby drapery department saved the day. Yes, it's
one of those curtain tiebacks and it too was on the 50% off table. Imagine that! A hot pink curtain tieback on sale! It was
the perfect fit for my new purse.
I found this idea
here. Alisa Burke is a most creative lady and aptly describes her blog as
redefining creativity. Go there, I think you will agree. Now...back on the purse track. LOL ....when I got it made the raw edges were showing. Not my idea of good....so out came the seam ripper and I started all over again....made it my way so inside has a finished look. It took more hours than it should have to construct, but the problem was finally solved. I should have taken Alisa's advise and made it using a purse pattern familiar to me! I did leave the lining in but binding the raw edges would have been an easy alternative since this placemat really didn't require that it be lined.
But, oh my.....now I have another problem.....this little cutie only took half of the placemat to construct. What will I do with the other half? Oh, I've got it...I'll just make another purse!

No, this one wasn't a placemat, but it is made from fabric remnants from the home dec department. I combined a couple of patterns to come up with one in my comfort zone and call this one my flouncy clutch pattern. I'm in the process of making another one but will add straps - to be spotlighted later.
Happy Sunday morning.....Marty