Toys for kids

Every now and then I do something....well, just because!  And yesterday was that day.  This little stuffed toy needed a quilt.  What I didn't realize when I started this non-sensical project was that 'the quilt' would only be 3 1/2" x 11" or that the little squares would only be 1/2" each, or that it would need a buttonhole.  Heaven forbid - I am not a seamstress.  I had to get my sewing machine book out to see how that gadget worked!  Another "What was I thinking?" moments, for sure.  But it was really worth the effort.  I love that this little guy can wait for Santa in his nice, warm quilt.  Another reason never to throw away fabric never know how small 'the quilt' can be. 


  1. Oh, how darling! What a sweet thing to do. We have a little girl in MO that has brain cancer if you'd like to brighten her day ...

    You are the best, Marty.

    Have a beautiful day ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  2. Very cute. I was in the mood yesterday to toss some scraps, now I am motivated.

  3. Love it! Just totally totally huggable.


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