Another month and the mystery quilt saga continues ~

Just to keep you up-to-date on my mystery quilt progress...........well, there has been none.  I was so excited to get the current month's  instructions for the 2012 mystery quilt quilt-along; however, this mystery still has me baffled!   I'm just about where I was last month except that my layout wasn't quite right.  

I arranged the eight blocks on the design wall this's one plan

or another, more scrappy look....not sure which one I like the best

and then - and then - I had all these blocks left.  WHAT???
 Where do they go?  I twisted and turned and puzzled, then tapped my foot, then stamped it in frustration flustered,  I just couldn't make a plan or sew a stitch.  My plan to sew all morning to get this baby finished just got stuck in the mud.  Blast it!!! Now, I'll have to wait another month to figure it out.
I could just bite nails!
I pulled the blocks off the design wall
Do you see this empty design wall?

and can you see that my sewing machine does not have anything under the needle....
You just wait until I get my hands around the necks of the two quilters that came up with this mystery quilt pattern....yes, you just wait!
Instead of biting nails, I'm going to strangle both of them.
Yes, you just wait and see!

There's nothing like a good love/hate relationship with a mystery yet to be solved.


  1. I like the first one best - it seems to give more definition to the whole block than the 2nd one does. Mary

  2. Yes, Mary....I'm leaning in that direction too, but I want to get the other blocks made first before I make my decision. Urggggg another mnth!


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