There's an orange orchard in there somewhere!

An orange orchard work in progress.   I have been working on my improvisational  modern orange peel quilt for quite some time and thought I might get some pictures of what's on the design wall to get a better fabric placement perspective.   Stepping away from it for a few days helped. 

modern improvisational orange peel quilt - Marty Mason

I was so inspired by A Quilty Habit's improvisational orange peel and also the curve piecing method of Made On Main Street that I put the two ideas and techniques together for my orange peel.  

modern improvisational orange peel quilt - Marty Mason

These four peels  were left-overs from - well, they were just left over -  and I decided to sew them on top of 6 1/2" blocks to throw my improvisational curved pieced blocks a curve.

modern improvisational orange peel quilt - Marty Mason

I don't have to look like you and you don't have to look like me,
 but can't we all meet in the middle
of my bucket of
for an

 orange that's just been peeled
modern improvisational orange peel quilt - Marty Mason
Now I'm off to make more blocks....I'm thinking I need an orchard that is at least
50" x 72". 


  1. Oh my gosh. I LOVE THIS so much!! I saw this on Pinterest and immediately came over... and to my surprise you cited me as inspiration! I'm so honored! I just love your take. You're inspiring me to be a bit more "improvy" overall (of course I just finished my second top but the next one)! I love everything about it!

  2. This really is excellent work.


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