
Some days are just too good to be true. Uninterrupted fun - thrown in with an extra cup of coffee and here's what you get.

Vest front
And just as much a delight on back
The cat's meow - this little purse

Just August, you say. The new school year is about to start, then will come the ballgames and fairs and before we know it, the holidays will begin in earnest...beginning with All Saints Day - yes - that's Halloween. And, I'm ready!
Or is Halloween the eve of All Staints Day??? Anyway...Both the vest and purse were pre-printed patterns (vintage unknown)....all I had to do was cut and sew. All in a mornings work. Friends and friends of friends got together last week and divided friends of friend's fabric. I came home with this piece.

....and this piece of fabric which I put into a donation quilt. Our quilt guild donates lots and lots of quilts each year for children in need. Hopefully this one will bring joy to a child on a cold winter day.

And, I found this cuddle buggy bug fleece on sale and whipped up two baby quilts to complete my donation quilt project.

Dearest is out taking care of family, so while he's away, me and the cats do play!!


  1. love the quilt! It is adorable!

  2. As always, Marty, everything you present to us is absolutely gorgeous. You are soooo creative. TTFN ~Marydon

    PS Pop over & visit my post today please.


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