ACEO - Country Roads. Original, one-of-a-kind design by Marty Mason

ACEO - Blackbirds on high wire, also one of my original, one-of-a-kind designs

You've all heard it said - "If the shoe fits, wear it."
I thought this morning about the meaning of this saying.
Like shoes, life doesn't come in just one size and often times it doesn't come in the size we want. We struggle with our life and spend so much time looking for the one we think should fit. We want our life to look good. We want others to notice our life. But, in trying to please others, or not accepting the place we are in life, we often find ourselves in an ill-fitting, unhappy life. We wear a life that is not a good fit and that hurts.
So, when we finally realize we are living the life that feels good, doesn't hurt ourselves or others, has a really good fit, then we should wear it!
Paraphrased - "Get a life, get on with life." or "Stop belaboring the little things and celebrate the big."
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all find the right shoes early in life.
Life is a good thing - celebrate it.
Just one of Marty's Musings.