Dingy to Divine!

You see, when I need fresh containers, I make my Santa Fe Stew recipe - 'cause I can get at least six new ones as I dump each can into the biggest pot in the house. 

Then, once I get the pot simmering (an all day affair), some tough decisions have to be made!
Do I punch holes in the bottom of the cans?  When I do that, then the containers have to be used to repot.....
a leaf from my Christmas cactus. 

Or Autumn Joy Sedum....or coleus or....impatients...or sage, or.... the list goes on and on.  I love repotting snippets to easily delight my own windowsill or pass along to others. 

But back to that tough decision.  If I leave the bottom of the can intact, then it becomes the perfect foil for my next flower arrangement!  Now is this not divine!

Or, another tough decision:  Before I do all that, do I play around with the can label in photoshop!

Do I need to tell you that it's been a full fun-filled morning? 

Now, I'm off to find that Santa Fe Stew recipe again!  Oh, here it is.  This is one of those plan-ahead dishes.  It's enough for dinner tonight, then there's plenty to freeze to have ready for unexpected (or expected) company! 


  1. Thanks for sharing your recipe! Now a question... your recipe says you love this in COLD weather, so I'm just wondering if YOUR weather today is going to be milder than our predicted 102 degrees?? LOL! I know... when you have a need for containers, you don't worry about the temps. Have a good (and cool) day! KAT

  2. I'm in Franklin Parish so I know it's 101 today in Monroe. It must be one of those good enough for any weather dishes. Two cans have the labels hidden. What was in them?


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