Down the Rabbit Hole ~

Yes,  it's only four months into the Sarah Fielke - "Down The Rabbit Hole" BOM and I'm already way behind the game.........but, a girl can dream, can't she.

Down The Rabbit Hole - A Sarah Fielke 2017 BOM

Month one and two almost complete!  Just five more flowers to applique onto the background.  .  YES!  I CAN DO THIS.

Down The Rabbit Hole - A Sarah Fielke 2017 BOM

I have auditioned the fabric to make the 1/2" bias tape to surround the center wedges. 

I'm sure it's here somewhere!  Fabric for just  the right Rabbit Hole cover piece is surely somewhere on these shelves. 

fabric stash - a partial showing in the marty mason collection

Month Three:  Add 58 or so little bitty leaves.  I am woman, hear me roar.  You certainly will  if and when I get that far along.

(no picture available)

I'm excited about month four:   My kind of quilt-making:  Yikes - 40 paper-pieced roof tops and 40 little houses for each roof.  And I just thought I could catch up this month.   But I have auditioned the fabric for the above mentioned 40......thinking these shot cottons will be perfect....a little gingerbread-style neighborhood. 

shot cotton in the collection of marty mason

shot cotton in the collection of marty mason


  1. Keep going, you'll get there Marty.

  2. You're cracking me up. Mainly because I'm right where you are and thinking ahead to ALL those LEAVES! Loving yours so far.


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