Sunday morning ~

I've been in an absolutely fabulous workshop for the past two days.....Nadine Cain, a member of Quilters' Guild Acadienne,  drove up from South Louisiana and led a "confetti" art quilt workshop for our group.  What a delight she is and what fun we all had; however, that will have to wait.  Perhaps a post tomorrow.

Today, Sunday, Mother's Day, is a simple review of the community service quilts I've quilted in the past few weeks.

I make 12" blocks in an improv log cabin style as time permits, using fabric that I love in little pieces that are left over.   When there's an accumulation, then I'll piece them together - usually in a 4 block by 5 block quilt setting. 
improv log cabin for community service - Marty Mason
improv log cabin, a quilt for community service - Marty Mason
They are simple, yet to me, simply beautiful.  The random use of color and design in the fabric always makes me smile. 

 These two got a little out of hand in the design because I didn't have the number of log cabin blocks to get the size I needed.  What's a quilter to do when she wants to get it done?  I thought these interesting fabrics set off-center was an idea to fill the space. 

improv log cabin, a quilt for community service - Marty Mason

improv log cabin, a quilt for community service - Marty Mason

All  three are quilted  and have been given that final wash and now ready to be gifted to someone wonderful who might be in need of warmth. 

May your day be filled with love and happiness. 



  1. Those are some beautiful donation quilts, Marty. I love your idea for the modern log cabin blocks. I was thinking they were rather busy, but they look wonderful all together, not overly busy at all. I think it's the combination of low-volume neutrals with those beautiful colors. Love it!

  2. Thank you glad you saw it my way! Scrap building: my therapy.


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