Take that shirt and rip it ~

Looking forward to a relaxing Memorial Day.  Mine has started already.   We'll have ribs and baked beans, along with slaw...perhaps potato salad.  Corn on the cob could also be an option.   

I've just come off a nice long weekend.  Visited with fellow members of Quilters' Guild Acadienne quilt guild.  Because of the three hour drive, I'm limited to when I can attend the meetings and other activities of the guild.  This weekend was just perfect.....drove down Thursday, arriving just in time for a wonderful lunch then lots of shopping, then the guild meeting where Sue Welton entertained us with beautiful quilts and funny stories.

Sue Welton, a Beaumont, TX quilter with her thrift store shirt quilt

 It was all about her love of quilting with thrift store men's shirting.  Who knew plaid and stripes, all purchased on the cheap,  could be so fun! 

And the cat's meow was the back of her quilts.... (not pictured) one of which was nothing less than a Ralph Lauren sheet.  Okay, quilt police I hear you screaming, but you just had to be there to appreciate the beauty of. 

Sue Welton's quilt made with thrift store men's shirts

Members of the workshop pinned their blocks onto the design wall during the workshop.   A quilt in progress!   

quilt blocks made from thrift store men's shirts

A group of us hit the streets after Sue's Saturday workshop in search of all the above-mentioned.  I came away with 8 shirts and finished off with even more after we all cut and shared our finds of the afternoon.  

Sue shared with us how to debone a shirt to get the best use of fabric, then how to fold and store for ultimate visibility of what's in our stash.  Her hints alone made the trip worthwhile. 

And memories were made  ~


  1. What a great quilt! I love,using men's shirts, and I love the Purple Cow's prices. I have a problem though, when I bring home a group of great shirts, Frank goes through and confiscates a number of them! Oh well!

  2. Well, I have not been to a thrift store to buy used shirts, but I've used shirt pieces in quilts before. Most of those were shirts, skirts and (mom's) dresses that I'd made and worn for a while. Instead of tossing them, I "deboned" the garments and used the good fabric again. Talk about saving the earth--obviously I'm a fan. BTW, I love the word "debone" for taking the shirts apart. That means the seams are the bones. Too bad we can't boil the bones and make stock--wait wouldn't that be thread? :) No, no, we're not going there!!

  3. Yes, Mary, we will continue to buy our thread!!! The super artsy group would take the miniscule scraps and over-dye them and put into an art quilt.


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