Did I tell you I was going to Quebec City, Canada, for a week? Just got back today. Was a great trip....lots of pictures taken. But you know, it is so hard to even remember where some of them were taken....or even why some of them were taken!
At the time the subject matter seemed to be worth a picture, but when you look back at one and go hmmmmmm?????
For example -

The town and countryside was filled with churches - really, really, beautiful churches. But inside one of them, I got a shot of a grate that hides a vent (no doubt).
Or choices of many beautiful flower gardens and parks and walkways and window baskets and flowering trees and shrubs...everything was in full bloom. And I got a pic of a cluster of dandelions....?

And the art galleries and boutiques and quaint restaurants and village after village with unique architecture and preserved cobblestone paths and streets - yet I was intrigued with this pear that still had the leaf on its stem that I found in one of my box lunches!

And the scenery is breathtaking. Rolling mountain ranges with wild flowers and wood ferns and maple trees. More beauty than the eye can digest, yet I found this wood pile!

I'll be more rested tomorrow and can perhaps digest the reasons why.....