Quilting Day

I quilted today.....can you tell? No, seriously, I quilted today. Tuesday Bees - we love our quilting bee name - 'cause we know what day to meet! We met today at Lil's. She had a yen for potato soup, so cooked up a big pot for us and some brought salads and some brought breads and some brought deserts. um yum

So after lunch I was walking off a cookie and discovered Lil's sewing machine on her patio! Great use of an old number! Earth is heaven.

Lil is a beauty and so is her garden. Fun day, Lil.....Thanks for sharing with us Bees.


  1. Nothing like a great bowl of potato soup & fabulous company ... glad you had a wonderful time, Marty.

    Have a great week.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  2. Ah, soup, bread, friends.... What a lovely way to spend the day. :)

    Very best,

  3. Sounds like a yummy good time. And I like the photo at the top here too.


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