A Note To Kitty Paw!

What better way to use my mini-diary than to send a note to Kitty Paw....you see, Ashley Sisk has a beloved
kitty who  loves to get mail....so here's a note to Kitty Paw from The Mason Cats!  Go see and enter the fun
with us!

Hummmmmm I got up early this morning!  So??? How do you spend your time????


  1. Hehehehe....what a sweet note to Kitty Paw. She'll love it.

  2. right now at work...waiting for a client to counsel. Otherwise playing with fabric, thread and beads hopefully.

  3. oh, and taking pictures of my cat!

  4. Love the idea behind this! Very cool~

  5. I really like the idea of a picture of a note.

  6. Very clever! William the Orange insisted I do a note to Kitty Paw also -- so I spend my time is much the same way -- at the beck and call of my furballs :-)


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