Mini-Quilt Monday

I've jumped on the stitch in dye band wagon "Mini Quilt Monday".... what a fun thing to do to begin our week with a 'little' flourish.

I call this one simply...Pink Vase With original? It's a 13" x 14" mini and is for sale at my web site in the "Flowers Art Quilts" Gallery.

Was a productive Sunday afternoon for me. Dearest had his head in the NASCAR Talledega Speedway race, so I had uninterrupted sewing time. Thus, these three little pincushions were spit out.
I'm still working to get things ready for the Jonesboro, LA quilt show in September. This is a first for me and I'm looking forward to being a vendor.

Then I pulled out more scraps of fabric and put these 9 blocks together. Not sure where these will go. Well, that's not quite true...they will, of course, go into a quilt. What I meant to say is ...not sure what size quilt these will go into. So far, I've used greens, reds, blues. Need to throw in some orange and yellow, more green, and blue and red and perhaps a dash of purple.

I found these two wonderful Michael Miller fabrics the other day at Quilt 'N Stitch.

Then, I found the perfect pattern at JCaroline Creative.

Hope to have more sewing time this afternoon. But for now, the azaleas are calling....time for a haircut. I like to snip off the leggy branches that happen after the full flush of beautiful flowers are gone.




  1. Marty! How I wish I had seen your MJM fabric photos BEFORE I went shopping yesterday! I was looking for something for borders on the rainbow jelly roll quilt. I bought something, but I was not totally happy with it. After seeing your fabrics they look like they would be PERFECT for this project. I may just have to call Q&S today and check on it! Thanks for posting.

  2. oh the azaleas. I passed a beautiful home on my 'Trolley Run' route with lots of bright, beautiful azaleas...made me smile & think of all the LA azaleas.
    (yes only one home had azaleas - this is KC after all).


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