Here's my newest coffee mug. The Cotton Corner Quilt Show had some of the best vendors...The Dirt Dauber had some very original pottery...I could tell by his pottery that he loves playing in the dirt. And I had fun getting a personal fitting session. Don insisted that the mug must fit just right before he would allow a sale. Of course online purchases aren't allowed the personal fitting session, but no won't be disappointed in any of his wares!

I'm moving Anita Bradshaw's booth. Most original wallhanging quilt patterns. Her work took my breath away (and some of my cash)! The temptation was just too great. Go see for yourself....Another by Anita....a real treat!

Moved on to Diane Springer Designs. The Best! Her marketing skills are to (almost) die for. A most unique shop full of energy...full of pizzazz. Go see her online'll be there a while!
Oh, and Greystone Wood where I found quilt racks, quilt ladders and screens. They called some of their items gadgets....I called them "mine"....thread holders and thread feeders and more! Oh My!
There were many more wonderful shops for me to wile away my time. Yes, the quilt show is over, but I'm still enjoying all of my purchases.
Save the date....the next NLQG quilt show will be February, 2012! Can hardly wait!
It WAS a great show! Daughter Jenn and I had a wonderful time, also. This was her first quilt show, and she was amazed.