After - you can really see the difference when you click on each picture to enlarge.

We've been waiting since October to get our two live oak trees pruned. The rain here these past few months has put a halt to many outside activities. Both trees had many unsightly sucker branches that were hiding the beauty of the trees. And, each tree had branches that were beginning to hover over the house, much too close for comfort. We knew that with the dense growth pattern of live oaks, we probably would not have a problem with a limb breaking, but, why take a chance in the event of a storm. And, we wanted the house opened up a little bit.
We're still standing in the window looking out admiring the nice clean look. HuMAN and I think it was money well spent!
No, the house is not sitting in the clouds....I found a cloud download and a picture frame download and played around in Photoshop this morning.
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