After Christmas Christmas Quilts!

Some folks tend to get the blues after the Christmas holiday has passed. Me....I just continue to more Christmas quilt at a time.  As I continued to rumble through "the vault" in my storage room, I ran across two little fabric book panels that someone had given me eons ago.  Since I am in the middle of  Ken Follett's Fall of Giants tomb I wasn't interested in starting a new book....but I did want to start a new quilting project. So, I  just cut each page of the panel, surrounded each one with a bright sashing, then pieced each page back together again.  Wow, that was quick reading!

'Twas the night before Christmas, when.....

And here is The Christmas Puppy storybook all sashed and put back together again, ready to head out to my favorite long-arm quilter person.  I'll get better pictures when I get them back and the binding put on 'cause these two are just too cute.  Just two more after Christmas Christmas quilts!  And there is still 367 shopping days 'til Christmas.  Oh, my..


  1. Let me know what you think of the new Ken Follett book. I just put it on my Audibles list. The reviews were very mixed. I loved Pillars and World without End.

  2. Sweet sweet quilt! Happy New year and all wonderful in 2011!


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