Purple Onion note card - Photoshop

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A watercolor with pen and ink flower sketch note card...front view

back view...

here's another one...

And here is the 8 1/2 x 11 inch print of my original watercolor sunflower...

And finally a print of my daisy watercolor....

Picture Time and ReRuns

A number of years ago, dear friend Ann gave me this tall skinny vase and I always keep a fresh split leaf philodendrom in it. I love the tall skinny with the big wide. The Mash poster is also a keepsake. Dearest's mother was given this "farewell" poster and we cherish it. Notice that Radar is missing. He had already left the show before the last episode was filmed. Mash continues to be a favorite rerun of mine.
And then I found these old buttons. They'll go into a fabric art card or art quilt someday. Or, perhaps on a purse! Possibilities.....

May Giveaway
New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival

Our New Orleans Jazz Fest poster collection grew this week. We have been collecting since 1983 and now have 26 of these wonderful posters in our collection. Missed last year - didn't like it at all - and I'm still not sorry we passed it by. As far as wall space is concerned, we treat it as if it's an art gallery. The poster series began in 1975 and I would dearly love to get my hands on the first eight. Dream on...
Anyway, here are a few that are showcased throughout the house. Starting in the living room,some of Michalopoulos'posters are showcased.

And in the dining room, Dr. John presides...Since this is a living/dining combo, I had all the posters matted in the same red and they all have the gold metal frame.
And down the hall to a guest bedroom hangs Fats Domino...also a Michalopoulos screen print. He's good. This bedroom is painted a raspberry color. The curtains are a chartreuse print and accessories are predominately blue. This poster was just the icing on this bedroom cake.

I'll stop at this second guest bedroom door...here is where all three Rodrique Blue Dog posters hang. Never was really the blue dog fan, but believe it or not, this trio has the most value. So, they are hung with pride.
Louie Armstrong and Pete Fountain

And, of course, Al Hirt

In 1984, the images were split. Very ingenious...I thought. I've seen these framed together which makes a very, very vertical presentation. But having each poster framed separately allowed them to be hung over each twin bed. Very ingenious of me...I thought! This bedroom is currently in it's summer blues. The winter curtains are green and the bed covers are apple red.

Hope you enjoyed the tour...
Short and To The Point
Anyway, short and too the point...I say...I still have to make the garlic cheese grits casserole. Not gonna lose any weight today. I'll start first thing in the morning. From midnight plus 1 until around 6 a.m. I promise not to eat a bite!!
Went to mini quilt group today....did a lot of discussing and cussin' done. And in between all that, almost got some quilt binding stitched down.
But the real purpose of this hurry blog is to show you my newest project. Do you remember the other day, I asked Dearest to cut me some little pieces of wood. Don't remember, well, here they are.
I needed these to make my own stamps....not only are the store bought ones so very expensive, but I just can't find the free style ones I thought I might enjoy using. So, I am making my own. These two are just the beginning. And you can see they've already been used. The foam was originally white!! - Wow, now it's green and yellow and even red. I originally thought of this one as simply "bars" but now I can clearly see that it's a picket fence.
And of course, this is nothing more than tall grass.
And here is a sampling of the note cards made from these stamps. This is front and back of "grass" with yellow daisies frolicking in and around.
And here is the picket fence...with a yellow buttercup just getting a fresh peek at Spring.
Now, I'm outta here. Enjoy your evening and be sure to cut the carbs for me!
Photo Collage
Open for Business
Here are the first little arts in my shop window.

Mini Quilt Monday
But mini is most often good. Mini quilts especially. I've had this little mini "leaf series" for some time and decided to drag it out again. (especially since I didn't finish my intended mini for this Monday) I hang all three together on a wooden dowel each Fall.

Thank you Malka, over at A Stitch In Dye for starting this mini quilt monday madness.
Lots of big huge hugs and mini quilts 'til later....
Blue Monday
Blue Monday is not really blue...not with all these little goodies to play with on this Memorial Day Monday. I'm having fun participating in Smiling Sally's Blue Monday challenge.

Let's see, do I sketch or water color, or measure and make. I'm first going for green eggs and ham, then I'll be better prepared to make Blue Monday decisions without the grumbling stomach.
Apology Made - Sorry for the mess

I tried to resist...honest I did!

Ok, I'm ashamed...sorry Papa Kat. (When can we play this game again?)
Notebooks and Potholders
Here's my first and it was quick, quick, quick, to make. Mine finished at 4" x 6".

And here's another little monotony breaker - potholders! Yes, who knew a lowly kitchen potholder could be so attractive. This really gets me ready for my next kitchen shower invitation. What a great little tuck-in to finish out a gift.
These photos were published with the permission of Tallgrass Prairie Studio. Thanks, Jacquie for letting me share your neat project.
Now I'm off to find some heat resistant fabric to get going with some of these.
Happy Friday..
the top secret private journal of susie / boygirlparty.com - how to make your own quick & easy sketchbook!
This truly is a must see tutorial. I can't wait to make this little sketchbook. I'll post a picture very, very soon.
Dis Dat or D'Udda
So, being a huge Dr. John fan, this blog is simply about Dis Dat or D'Udda. Here goes. Song #1
True to my word, I continue to be a quilter. The weather just hasn't cooperated lately for me to get some outside pictures. It's been so windy this spring that the quilts just sway in the breeze (and look lovely), but the pictures come out very sway-in-the-breeze looking also. And then the tree shadows....I have about a 30 minute window of opportunity to get out of the shadows. And then there are the too bright days or the too cloudy days...and oh my so many rain days. So, imperfect as these shots are, here is one finished quilt.
And another.....
Beginning of song #2...Well, of course, I continue to make purses. Purse making truly is addictive. I'm loving this pattern...obviously...'cause here's two and the fabric cut for the third one. I think this one will be my "Marrakesh" shoulder bag. I found the big button to use as the closure the other day at Hobby Lobby. Just right for this big 12" x 12" jewel.
This aqua lining was just perfect to bring out the blue in the predominately brown floral.
And here is the work in progress...
Found this little rusty/red check for the lining.
Song #3 is a sad song, 'cause for now, sew time and blog time is over. These 30 bales of pine straw have been under cover for two weeks now. See, the neighbor's cat has already declared it the best mattress in town.

And since kitty just put up a "do not disturb" sign...dearest announced that today is the day!! I'm feeling the pain already.
So, hugs while I still can...Marty