Altered Photos

It only took me a total of 12 hours to get this photo altered. Am I getting my money's worth out of DJ's "Memories and Manipulations" workshop, or what?

I'm begging you....don't look closely at my moth's feelers. Looks like a mosquito got into one of them!! I'm having the time of my life....have had this photoshop dohickey installed for over a year and all I could do was brighen and crop. And here I am merging, masking, blending, removing background and more to layers of photos. Ok, that's workshop talk. Time for dinner...later.


  1. This is so gorgeous, Marty. I was the same way with Photoshop. I can't believe all the cool stuff we are learning.

  2. Are ya having fun, or what ! ! !
    Looking good ! ! !


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