Another Little Piece of My Heart.....

Yes, you guessed it...I've completed another project in DJ Pettitt's "Memories and Manipulations" online altering photos workshop.

Cheers to me and I'll be right back at you!!


  1. Beautiful! I'm in your class too...finally got some of the lessons downloaded so I can start! I don't know what the problem is, but can't download them on my your art! Hugs!

  2. Thanks, Anita. Good luck and have fun in DJ's class!

  3. Why haven't I been to your blog before (or in a very long time maybe?) Your art is awesome! We do some of the same things too. Your quilts are beautiful to behold!
    Good luck with PSE. I need to give it more attention. I have it, but can't make it do much. Or haven't really tried I guess. Thanks for the mention as it may well push me in that direction.

  4. Yay Marty! It's gorgeous. Working with masks is like making magic! Congrats and keep it up!!!


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