Just another multi-directional!

Scarf that is! 

I have been knitting on this multi-directional knit scarf for a month or two (directions are here) - and it's a really easy pattern - could have finished this one in a blink -  but life has been pulling me in different directions and has really slowed my knitting progress.  I'm hoping my body just goes in one direction this week.  Happy Monday! 

Oh, I knitted these two yarns together - both made in Italy.....Did I say, Italy, here I come....46 days and counting down. 


  1. What a really cool scarf!

    Anticipation for a trip is almost as much fun as being on the trip. And, after enjoying the trip, there are the photos that you will take. Photos are our favorite souvenirs. I look forward to seeing images of your trip when you return if you post them. :)

  2. Lovely scarf! The yarns look nummy too. Have a fun trip. Can't wait to see photos of your journies.


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