Making Yardage - Another Saga

I've been making yardage again.  When my fabric scrap bags get too big, I get antsy!  That was my situation yesterday.   So, I pulled and sewed and pulled more and continued on and on and on until -

I had a square that measured 24 1/2 inches.  It could have measured 20 1/2" or 16 1/2" for my purposes, but I wanted 24 1/2"! 

Because I waned to set my large square on point and then surround it with scrappy half-square trianges!
Can you see where this is going? 


  1. Gee whillakers, Ms. Marty! You are now the queen of "Something Nice That Costs Nothing" (but a lot of time)! Love that scrappy beauty!


  2. What a great idea. Now it's just a case of finding time to try it out.

  3. Love this! Need to get sewing to build up my scrap stash to have a go x


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