The Long Road Home....

that's what I've named it!

My favorite Kaffe Fassett fabric to finish with!
My next favorite .....but, alas, not enough on hand!

This Kaffe Fassett fabric  had too many eyes!

But, I chose this one!

And really like it!
 I once worked for a lady who often said she was having "people"  in.  I found that amusing because she often had friends over and she had lunch with family on a regular basis, so why the distinction between people, friends and family?    Looking back, I know she had friends and I know she had a wonderful family, so when she mentioned "people" it was because she had placed all others in a group within themselves.  Perhaps because "people" are not as sensitive as family and friends or because "people" can be a little too critical and judgmental! 

I now know that I have "people" who will judge my choice of final fabric unfairly.  You see, my focus this year is to use fabric on hand.  Yes, my first choice was the Kaffe Fassett blue and my second choice, again the KF blue.  But, alas, not enough on hand.  And while I really like the KF eyes (and I had enough fabric), there were just too many peepers surrounding the quilt.  Okay, now people - I had to dig deeper and deeper in my fabric stash.  I kept looking at the aqua dot, and kept putting it back on the shelf.  Pulling and looking and putting back - until finally I had to focus on the aqua dot!  You see, people, I was running out of choices, and the aqua dot began  to work with all the other blue in the quilt and it was on hand, and I had an ample quantity. 

So, friends and family, I know you'll think this quilt has charm.....and people who look with a jaundiced eye,  judge not too critically.  I had to take the long road home! 


  1. People who are overly judgmental of others are trying to hide their own inadequacies.

    Your fabric choices are lovely. :)

  2. Yes, the Kaffe blue would have been wonderful, but I DO like that aqua dot!! It makes all the other aqua fabrics pop and that looks great!

  3. These patterns make me dizzy but in a good way! I think your choice is just fine!


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