Fun to knit socks and purses AND a completed art quilt

Finally, here is the completed art quilt project from last week. It's 12"x18". How about "High Energy Level." When the shoe fits, wear it!

Now, I'm moving on....I started a sock knit project before Thanksgiving.

Let me digress here. With no knit shop here in Monroe, it was always my quest to scope out yarn shops when I traveled. I have yarn from Kansas City, Olympia (WA), New Orleans and Alexandria, LA. Then finally, the neatest yarn shop opened within a mile of home. Pretty convenient and I was thrilled. Buying yarn locally was sheer bliss. And the shop owner gave lessons so I signed up for socks and took lesson #1. Pictured are my results. Then when it came time to move on to knitting the heel, I went for lesson #2. Well, bless Pat, the store was closed. Sad day for our knitting community. The sign is still out and there seems to be product still in the store, so I continue to be optimistic.

Now, I'm moving on once again. This morning I drug out the pattern and decided I could manage reading instructions on my own. We'll see.

Knitting and felting purses is really fun too. I've completed three to date. Here's two. Both are body hugging flat purses from "Two Old Bags." Great look. Lime green and chocolate brown.....the best.



  1. great quilt, and your knitting is super! I learned to knit socks from a book, once I learned the heel it was magic!

  2. Thanks, Jeri, for your encouragement. Life is too good to worry about heals (oops) heels.


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