A Church in Keatchie, LA

This piece of art is beautifully displayed in my friend's home in Natchitoches, Louisiana. When last visiting, Judy, the artist's sister, I took this picture.

It's an artist's rendition of a church in Keatchie, LA. Peggy painted this one many years ago....I'm not sure if this beautiful little church still stands. I hope so.

Where is Keatchie? You ask...In DeSota Parish, South of Shreveport. The best information I can find on this church was that it was originally Mount Carmel church c 1840. It burned, relocated, etc....and is now Keatchie United Methodist Church on Hwy 5 with 7 members as of 2003!! I sure hope this church building is on some historical registry and can obtain funds for preservation....'cause I don't think 7 people can tithe that much! Or, maybe they can.

This morning I blended a wispy cloud layer, then added a golden layer to let more sunlight come through the trees. I loved using Peggy's painting for my daily lesson in altering memories.

Peggy died of breast cancer at a very young age but her beautiful paintings are an everlasting tribute to her talent.


  1. I LOVE that painting too. When you say that you altered the painting - the actual painting or using photoshop or something similar?

  2. Yes, Zarina....altered the photo only using Photoshop. Peggy's real painting is too perfect to change.

  3. I LOVE what you have done to the photo! That church is really neat... I always admired it when passing by. I don't go that way any more, but I may have to take a different route to S'Port just to see what I have been missing.


  4. Hi Kat....it may not look the same as Peggy painted it. Just a little white frame church with no significant architectural detail, but I just love the way she made it come alive - just as all churches should.

  5. I liked what you did with the photo,while appreciating the artist's painting.

  6. Love the painting. This church is Keatchie Baptist. The history you gave is for Keatchie Methodist. I was raised in Keatchie Methodist, and attended Keatchie Baptist as a child. Both churches still hold services. First Sunday is the Methodist. Second sunday is baptist.

    1. Ilsa, thanks for the update. Perhaps I'll make a special trip and attend one of their Sunday morning services.


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