Face Sketch Challenge

This could just be the start of something good, for me anyway.

My first thought upon completion of this face sketch was to entitle this one

"What part of the word NO do you not understand?"

Or how about "Didn't I just answer that question?"

"One too many phone calls"....

then I decided "Fried" would be an apt title....

I really liked "You Did WHAT?"

But finally decided "Just Humor Me" best interpreted my wacom pen input!

I wish for you a happy day that's full of humor!


  1. She does have an 'attitude', doesn't she.
    Perhaps she's in need of an attitude adjustment???
    Thanks for making my morning.


  2. G'morn, Marty ~ Chuckle! You are so cute in your write. I said to myself 'what is she sketching faces for?' It is interesting but then anything better than the stick people I draw, I enjoy!

    Have a beautiful day.
    Hugs, Marydon

  3. Maybe she is saying 'You want it when???'

  4. Wonderful face!

    Possibly thinking 'How much fabric do I deserve for putting up with this' regardless of what she is saying!


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