Binding Sewn On Three Quilts

Been a very busy day......did get the binding sewn onto three quilts. Now, if I can find the time to complete that project. I still stitch the binding to the back by hand. So pretty when done. I can usually find a good movie and move right along without knowing how much time has passed.

Oh, and today is friend Sandy's birthday. Remembered to get a call in to her. The conversation was brief, tho, she was headed out to a smocking class. Sandy is loving her new-found talent. (And her granddaughter is loving her smocking too.)

And got an art quilt added to website along with another one added to Humble Pie Gallery.

I added "Don't Rain on My Parade" which I pictured a few blogs ago. Haven't yet come up with a name for the HP quilt, so I just listed is as soft and mellow. I'll think of something.

Am putting together a "things I do" folder for the next vice president of our quilt guild. Thought this might make the newbie feel more comfortable in volunteering. VP has been the most fun position to hold (I get to pursue all those talented people in our area to do a program). You know, I decided when I took that position two years ago, that all they could say was "yes" or "no" and neither response could hurt me. So I think we have had some really good guests during this time.

We're having stuffed bell peppers and baked potato for dinner tonight. So I better get hopping to finish the prep work. Dear One has already wrapped the potatoes....I guess he's the sous chef tonight. See you guys in the morning.


  1. I just looked at your website. Nice! I will delve into the galleries when I am not supposed to be getting ready for work in the morning. (I'll do it when I'm actually at work.)

  2. lovely work... very delightful...

    i just had my dinner but your dinner made me hungry again...


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