Favorites, Feeds and Follow

I spend a few minutes each morning catching up on my favorites, feeds and those I follow. And its fun to find new blogs to keep in my feeds and web pages to keep in my favorites. Pink Chalk Fabrics and Pink Chalk Studio are great views. Take a look at the great fabrics and how they are used. Also found Valley Fiber Life. I've been following Dancing Threads Studios for quite a while and found a great interview Valley Fiber Life did about the work Cindi Huss is doing. Networking is a learning experience. When someone knows more than I do, I like to take advantage of their knowledge and experiences. Cindi's needle felting projects are grand.

I'm just now beginning to explore needle felting. I posted these pics on the blog the other day, but had problems, so deleted. So, here is my update. I decided to do more outline quilting around the leaves on the silk and like this version of "Robin's Nest" art quilt better.

I needle felted yarn on wool, then quilted into a piece of silk dupioni. Sapphire Swarovski crystals were added as the robin's eggs.


  1. Thanks for the shout out Marty! Have a fabulous weekend, xo Kathy

  2. Thanks from me, too, Marty! And love your new "Robin's Nest" piece. Really nice abstracted reality.

  3. Wow-- you are extremely creative. I'm impressed with your work!!! Thanks for coming by my blog and chatting.



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